Credential Garden Walk B

Exclusively for microcredential program participants. Led by FANN board members. Check your email for your pre-assigned time. Do not be late. Check in at the Kapnick Center. 8:30am Wednesday Oct 18 – departs 8:15 from patio 10:00am Wednesday Oct 18 – departs 9:45 from patio 8:00am Thursday Oct 19 – departs 7:45 from patio 9:30am Thursday Oct 19 – departs 9:15 from patio USE GOOGLE MAP Learn from and engage with your peers, who will offer tips on identifying, using and maintaining the plants listed below in landscape setting. This is not a lecture. Expect to be questioned and participate in the conversation. PLANTS REVIEWED ON THIS WALK Ardisia escallonioides Canella winterana Eugenia confusa Foresteria segregata Krugiodendron ferreum Myrcianthes fragrans Randia aculeata Schaefferia frutescens Senna ligustrina Zanthoxylum fagara ALL CREDENTIAL PARTICIPANTS: Be sure to check out Cinnecord, Privet Senna and Little Psycho on the patio — check out the Native Plant Horticulture Foundation table and ask the plantman about these plants and more! CEUs FDACS pesticide applicator CEUs – 4.0 maximum available, for Ornamental & Turf, Limited Urban Fertilizer, Limited Landscape Maintenance or Limited Lawn & Ornamental. FNGLA, ISA and landscape architecture CEs (4 optional credits, course 0013828) available upon completion.
FANN Credential FNGLA certified professional LA CE credits Plant ID Selection Use Plants