
FANN gives you the information and networks you need for success with native plants.  

Who comes to FANN events

FANN events are best known for attracting leading landscape design professionals, including landscape architects and landscape designers who are committed to sustainability, want to use native plants and are looking for the best sources for plants and expertise in using them. You can expect around 100 professionals from the horticulture, landscape and environmental sectors, all eager to capitalize on the rising interest in native plants. 

 2023 South Florida Native Plant Seminar
Attendance by Industry Sector

Exciting the Design Community

Landscape Architects and Designers

Pictured is Rebecca Morris, landscape architect and owner, RSM Design, enjoying a botanical specimen display at one of FANN’s Native Plant Shows.

FANN has been providing LAs and designers with continuing education for decades. We welcome every opportunty to help you meet your sustainability goals.

See the plants, talk to growers, make better choices and produce plans with a greater chance of long term success.

Landscapers looking at a display at the Native Plant Show

Landscapers & Retailers

Are your customers asking for more native plants — or plants that need less water and fertilizer, are low maintenance and attract butterflies and pollinators?

Native plants don’t have to be hard to find. Come learn about the plants and who has them, in the sizes, quantities and quality you need.

The fantastic staff at the Bok Tower Gardens will even teach you how to keep these plants looking great.